News - How Does the “Proactive Defense” of Smart Locks Safeguard User Security?

Cat Eye Visual Smart Locks have initiated the visual revolution in the smart lock industry by leveraging their “visible” capabilities. This transformation from passive defense to proactive defense marks a significant development in the smart security sector. But how does Cat Eye achieve this shift, turning passive defense into proactive defense?


1. Understanding Passive and Proactive Defense

To comprehend how Cat Eye Smart Locks transition from passive to proactive defense, it’s crucial to distinguish between the two. Passive defense involves measures taken to reduce the probability of malicious actions and minimize the damage caused by such actions, without actively taking preventive actions. On the other hand, proactive defense anticipates and warns against potential attacks before they cause harm, promptly building a resilient defense system to mitigate risks.

Active defense is inherently different from passive defense. It proactively discovers and predicts attacks before they occur, enhancing protection in real-time against evolving threat environments. In contrast, passive defense relies on known mechanisms to reinforce security after an attack has been identified, making it reactive, sluggish, and rigid.


2. Why Can Regular Mechanical Locks/Smart Locks Only Achieve Passive Defense?

Both regular mechanical locks and standard fingerprint/password locks can only achieve passive defense due to their defense mechanisms.

Mechanical locks, driven by mechanical devices, rely entirely on mechanical elements for their defense mechanisms, such as drill resistance, pry resistance, impact resistance, and resistance to technical manipulation. Despite the strength of the mechanical components, these defense mechanisms only come into play during an attack, making it purely passive defense.


Regular fingerprint/password locks, while more complex in their defense mechanisms, incorporating features like anti-pry, anti-error, and anti-coercion alarms, still fall under passive defense. These alarm functions cannot foresee dangers in advance or provide warnings; they only trigger when an action is applied to the smart lock.

In summary, both mechanical locks and regular fingerprint/password locks lack the capability to proactively detect and defend against threats, making them solely reliant on passive defense.


3. How Does Cat Eye Smart Lock Achieve Proactive Security?

To achieve proactive defense, smart locks need to “see” the external situation and provide precise warnings before potential harm occurs. Cat Eye Smart Locks accomplish this by embracing the concept of “visibility.”

① Equipped with Cat Eye Camera, Comprehensive Door Monitoring

Cat Eye Video Locks come with a Cat Eye visual camera that captures clear footage of the door area. When there is unusual movement or suspicious activity outside the door, the Cat Eye camera allows users to promptly check and avoid potential harm, ensuring the safety of the home.


② Indoor High-Definition Screen/Mobile App Connectivity

Some Cat Eye Video Locks are equipped with an indoor visual screen or can connect to a mobile app, providing a real-time display of the door’s condition. Users can manage the smart lock through the mobile app, keeping track of the lock’s status at all times.


4. Applications of Proactive Defense in Smart Locks

Cat Eye Smart Locks’ proactive defense, characterized by its active and always-ready nature, is particularly crucial in specific scenarios, making it a preferred choice for consumers.


① Extended Vacations, Home Alone

During extended holidays like Dragon Boat Festival or National Day, people often travel, leaving their homes unattended. Concerns about home security arise: What if burglars attempt to break in?


Cat Eye Smart Locks’ proactive defense becomes indispensable during such periods. With remote visual monitoring, users can check the door’s status and engage in real-time communication from anywhere, ensuring the safety of their homes even during extended vacations.

② Nighttime Solo Dwellers, Outside Movement

Many individuals, especially those living alone, experience the dilemma of nighttime disturbances. Cat Eye’s proactive defense effortlessly addresses this predicament by continuously recording door area footage, allowing users to review details through the indoor screen or mobile app, eliminating the need for apprehensive checks and ensuring peace of mind.


The proactive defense feature of smart locks is always ready, making it essential in various daily scenarios. Although numerous applications exist, the essence of proactive defense and its precise safeguarding of home security can be distinguished through the mentioned scenarios.




Post time: Jan-24-2024